Yolody's Room

Monday, October 19, 2009

Moved on a date with a "Yaiikkss" movie

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yeeyy, after working for a half day I had a date to Senayan City. Last time, Heidy gave me two free voucher of Sour Sally youghurt, sooo.. we got on it, yeeeyy! (thanks, Heidy!)

After had dinner and two cups of sour sally with heavy raining outside, we planned to watch Inglorious Basterds. Unluckily the tickets has sold out and we moved with movie The Secret of Moonacre.

Yaiiksss,, what a sucks movie that was! It was his decision not to watch the Ugly Truth because he has watched it, and he said the film we would watched must be nice. After watching he's just giggling at me and pretending it was really good. Heuheuheu,,

Remember that was weekend, I could get rid of my disappointment about that movie and still get along with cheerfulness.. (just didn't want to waste our time with negative feeling) :)


galangwani said...
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Bibirz said...

Hey c'mon.. the secret of moonacare wasn't that bad.. :p

remmember "rwolf"? arrrgh... ruff ruff!

btw, it's not a movie, it's a soap opera. huehuehep