Sehari setelah nge-running project di Urbie sebagai project leader (cerita dan foto menyusul), gue benar-benar menikmati hari Minggu, dan menganggap hari itu adalah hari Sabtu (jangan dipikirin lama-lama, kalau nggak keburu nyadar kalau besoknya itu sebenarnya udah hari Senin.
..and here we are..
In the afternoon we went to our temple in Jalan Padang and I looked after cute kids and they are called "Bintang", while Edwin tutoring Jakarta's temple members to prepare theater for event "Wahana Negara Raharja" at Surabaya next month.
Look! What is it? Banana??
Oww, it's chubby-Devin-yellow-banana :)
That day I was very tired and sleepless. I thought I was going to get fever. So after taking a rest for a while, we spent time at Mal Kelapa gading, buying novel "Thanks for the Memories- Cecelia Arhen" as Alice's bday present, carrying a dress for Flo's bday present, looking for glasses frame for his mom's bday present, buying a shirt for his dad (hehe.. just casual gift, not bday present),had my new haircut, and then.. dinner! Yeeeaaayy!
Having dinner at Premium Bean with my new hair :p
A portion of Kangkung hotplate, Dorry Fillet Telur Asin, three bowls of rice, and a pot of Chinese tea comfort us (and of course our stomach)in the shinny evening :) (after debating about ordering buncis or kangkung, Dorry mayonaise or Telor Asin, and he won! Arr..)
Walking by, he bought me a nice winter coat from Samuel & Kevin as my birthday present. Thanks, Mr. Kentut.. :)
I'm gonna wear this coat on temple ceremony at Japan in December :))
He also bought himself a cool Army coat.
We ended this tiring-but-exciting-day by watching Inglorious Basterds. Cool! We called it "the movie of the year".
Okay then, I'd just got home precisely before writing this blog, and now am going to take a shower first and go downstairs to eat my mom's food.
(badan lengket, kaki berdebu, paha gatel, mata ngantuk,muka berminyak, dan perut bergemuruh kayak geluduk)
Soo.. Have a nice dinner! Ciaaaaoo..! :)
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