Yolody's Room
Monday, August 31, 2009
Bersama Para Bintang ke Mekarsari
Hoseiji Temple, 20 Agustus 2009
Jam enam teng gue cabut dari kantor (habis menyantap sushi di Sushi-ya), rencananya mau gonyo dulu di Hoseiji terus ikut briefing malam buat besoknya ke Mekarsari sama anak-anak Bintang. Sampai di kuil, suasana agak sepi, dan akhirnya gue daimoku sampai jam delapan, sambil menunggu teman-teman gue datang satu per satu.
Briefing dimulai sekitar jam delapan. Seperti biasa, briefing diwarnai ketidakfokusan Ajon,dan Ajon dimarahin sama anak-anak. Haha. Biasa banget deh keadaan begitu.
Habis briefing, gue pulang sama Icil, soalnya dia mau nginep di rumah gue. Sampai di rumah, ternyata nyokap gue lagi jagain cucu di rumah kakak gue sendirian, karena kakak gue lagi nonton midnight sama ipar gue. Yang ada gue dan icil langsung ngibrit ke rumah kakak gue naik taxi, melihat nggak ada bajay yang lewat. Ketika taxi berhenti, bajay lewat. Haha.
Bus, 30 Agustus 2009
Wah, seneng banget jadi PJ kelompok anak-anak bintang! Kelompok gue nakal-nakal dan aktif banget. Seruuuu!! Di bis perjalanan ke Mekarsari, ada anak yang muntah dan gue ngurusin dia. Selama perjalanan, gue, icil dan Erik (anak yang manisss) ngobrol-ngobrol.. ini sepenggal dialognya:
Icil: Kamu di sekolah sekelas berapa orang?
Erik: 65 orangan deh
Gue : Hah banyak bangett
Erik: iya, terus kalo kirsinya dua duduk bertigam, kalau kursinya tiga duduk berempat. Kalau temanku gendut aku suka kejepit, ga bisa belajar kak..
Mekarsari, 30 Agustus 2009
Kegiatan anak-anak Bintang hari itu seru banget. Pertama kali sampai, baris perkelompok terus pipis (biasalah, satu pipis yang lain sugesti mau pipis juga). Gue segera mengeluarkan kamere digital, untuk menangkap setiap momen yang lucu. Taunya, memory card kamere gue ketinggalan di rumah. Bete abis.
Acara pertama mereka melukis caping (topi petani yang kerucut ituuu looh), terus kelompok gue menanam padi, lalu mandiin kebo. Hehe lucu deh pas mandiin kebo ada anak yang suka banget sama kebo, tanpa taku tanpa ragu ia langsung turun ke kubangan, dan menunggangi kebo yang lagu tengkurap. Nggak mau kalah, gue dan icil nyebur juga. Setelah itu kelompok gue menangkap ikan mas di empang. Wah seruuu banget liatin anak-anak nangkepin ikan. Gue berdiri di tepi, memperhatikan mereka. Ada yang takut memegan ikan, jadi ia hanya memunguti sampah dan berpura-pura seolah-olah itu ikan. Di samping gue berdiri ada anak laki-laki bernama Dylan. Melihat mukanya yang mau nyebur tapi nggak mau itu, gue pun ajak dia nyebur.
Gue: Dylan, (ada name tag di dadanya), kok kamu nggak nangkep ikan?
Dylan: Nggak ah,Jijik. Aku nggak mau megang lumpur
Gue: Kan nanti cuci tangan, bisa bersih lagi.
Dylan: Pokoknya kalau akau nggak mau ya nggak mau. Menurutku itu jijik.
Gue: ...
Dylan, Dylan. Nggat tau gimana dia diajarin sama mamanya sampai kayak begitu. Terlalu steril bikin anak nggak bisa bersenang-senang, hal yang seharusnya dialami oleh setiap anak kecil. Kotor-kotoran, bukan itu yang sangat disukai anak seumurnya ya? Yang lebih miris lagi, Dylan hanya memandangi dengan lesu adik-adiknya dan teman-temannya berhaha hihi di dalam empang sambil mengejar ikan. Sayang sekali.
Anyway, keceriaan tak terhenti sampai di sana. Setelah bersih-bersih, kita naik kerete berkeliling taman buah. Lucunya Erik, sepanjang perjalanan memeluk dan menggandeng gue terus. :) Di dalam kereta gandeng, seorang guide laki-laki menjelaskan menganei setiap taman, pohon dan bangunan yang kami lalui. Tiba-tiba ketika melewati pohon buah naga, Erik nyeletuk "Siapa yang suka buah naga??" Lalu mas guide menyampaikan pertanyaan itu ke gerbong kereta belakang dengan microphone. Semua tunjuk jari dengan ceria. Lanju berkeliling ke kandang-kandang binatang. Ada musang kopi, ada ayam kalkun jantan yang cantik dan mengajak kalkun betina kawin, ada kambing, buaya dan kura-kura. Sesi menyapa binatang selesai dilanjutkan belajar tarian panen padi. Adegan berputar membuat salah satu anak perempuan, Taria, muntah. Gue lagi membersihkan muntah dan menemaninya.
Akhirnya, kita semua kembali ke halaman dekat lobby utama, dan melakukan banyak foto sesi di tengah terik matahari. Matahari saat itu terik sekali, rasanya seperti seekor naga raksasa di languit yang meniup hawa panas dari mulutnya. Tapi, kesenangan tetap selalu menang. Bis datang, kami pun siap pulang.
Bus, 30 Agustus 2009. Jam 2 siang.
Kembali situasi semula, berkumpul di bis. Gue udah cape seharian, yang ada duduk di depan bersama Erik.
Di belakang ada tiga anak lagi yang muntah, dan kali ini giliran Icil yang turun tangan. hehe.. :P
Ps: Gue nggak menulis ini secara detil dan indah, dan tanpa foto karena kamera gue nggak kebawa memory cardnya. Huhuhuu.. (tapi foto akan diupload setelah lihat foto dokumentasinya nanti ) :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Gloomy Monday
These days I was attacked by morning insomnia, which it wakes me up in the mornings and it asks my dogs to bark and they were success to bother my early morning. As I'm awake but still lying on my bed, and covered with a thick blanket, I think so much about my work that seems really hard to be faced.
Why can't I keep relax, think clearly, stop worrying too much and wake up in peace?
I know it doesn't help me to solve by keeping thoughts in mind, and it just wastes my energy that makes me unhappy. What do I do then? I went to office one hour earlier by hoping I can finish my jobs well.
In the afternoon I have emergency promotion meeting, and it's unusual that my boss asked us to share feeling before starting the meeting, as it is usually shared at the end. I just couldn't stop my tears rolling down my cheeks and it was so embarrassing to cry before talking! Huh!
I talked with hiccups and everyone looked at me, and I just said my jobs were very overwhelming and I was pressed to do things without asking and understanding my situation. I couldn't speak up all the things because I didn't want to skip the meeting. I don't know whether they think I was a weird, spoiled girl, or whatever. I just tried to be honest about my feeling.
Okay then, I ought to try and try, whether it's the right place to be or just a rock that I should jump over. Am I happy to do all this stuff with all feedback I get?
Why can't I keep relax, think clearly, stop worrying too much and wake up in peace?
I know it doesn't help me to solve by keeping thoughts in mind, and it just wastes my energy that makes me unhappy. What do I do then? I went to office one hour earlier by hoping I can finish my jobs well.
In the afternoon I have emergency promotion meeting, and it's unusual that my boss asked us to share feeling before starting the meeting, as it is usually shared at the end. I just couldn't stop my tears rolling down my cheeks and it was so embarrassing to cry before talking! Huh!
I talked with hiccups and everyone looked at me, and I just said my jobs were very overwhelming and I was pressed to do things without asking and understanding my situation. I couldn't speak up all the things because I didn't want to skip the meeting. I don't know whether they think I was a weird, spoiled girl, or whatever. I just tried to be honest about my feeling.
Okay then, I ought to try and try, whether it's the right place to be or just a rock that I should jump over. Am I happy to do all this stuff with all feedback I get?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday is Gathering, Gossiping and Laughing day
Grand Indonesia, August 23 2009.
There were four old classmates and an ex-private teacher shared togetherness in a huge mall in Jakarta with nice concept, which on the 5th floor there are good spots to take pictures. There's also a dancing fountain performs every hour, so many people will be standing around and taking pics of the fountain. For some couples, it is a 'ten-minutes-romantic-moment' hugging each other and watching this fountain.
It was gathering with Novy who just came back from Australia for having holidays in Indonesia. It was nice to meet her and Vera in Zara, and we have a lot of words to share. Zara was no longer exciting rather than meeting them, and we just walked around to buy a bracelet as a belated birthday gift for Ci Evy, our ex-private teacher I told before.
We have dinner in Food Lovers, and then spent time in the well-designed bathroom, and Tata said that that was a perfect lighting to take pictures, as can be seen from the photo above. She was expert by taking pics over the reflection on the mirror, seems it's her habit :p, (yeah I know that's true).
Finally Ci Evy came by, and we just sat in Starbucks, which has a kind of 'reduce plastic glass' program, and giving us discount 50% if we bring our own tumbler or glass. At that time Novy put out three mugs (the one is for me! Thanks Nov!) and we ordered Green Tea Frapuccino, Mango Passion Fruit and I have my own Caramel Frapuccino. We had fun chatting and laughing, nostalgic about fun moments in school.
Anyway, I support Starbucks for the campaign to reduce using of plastic glasses so it helps to prevent global warming effects, though I'm not sure whether earth still can survive or not.
After spending time about one hour and a half, we entered Kinokuniya and I felt like in heaven, staring at the books on the shelves, and considering about my expenses this month, I didn't buy any kind of book.
The gathering was ended in Food Lovers again, and at that time we, except Novy, have the same thought, "ooh tomorrow is Monday.. "
Accept it or not, we still have to pass days without knowing what will happen later, tomorrow or next week, right? We just need to enjoy the time which we can't turn back into.
I will miss that kind of moments, remembering how hectic and hurry I'm on days, which often make me forget about relationships.
*Thanks to my bf catching me up there and dropped me at home :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A-day chaos for a-month baby
It was preparation for my cousin's a-month baby. My mom was ordered to make 30 round cakes and three choco cheese cakes. Ooww.. impossible to realize those kinds in one day. She was very busy and luckily my dad's shop helper also participated in making cakes. :p
I was helping my mom to decorate the cakes, designing the cream aroung the cakes and still remembering about my Ielts exam the next day in the morning, Huhuhu.. But I was happy to see a lot of beautiful cakes on the table!
Friday, August 7, 2009
I have to tidy it up!
It doesn't look like a girl's bedroom with cute dolls and a nice smell. See the picture below to see where I spent my night, and don't consider the bunch of piggies inside the pink basket.
It's a 3x3cm messy room, which it becomes a dumb witness about what I do and what I think. I really know that it's very messy and I have to tidy it up! And what I do then? I turned on my laptop, take out my digital camera from its case and take a picture of my room and my closet that had been opened.
And here it is..
Can you imagine how can I put in my clothes inside a small closet? It can't be closed anyway because the clothes don't fit the shelves! Should I put away my old clothes and make it clean? Actualy I have some old clothes in a big plastic bag in a corner of my room. If you see the first picture carefully, you can see a red plastic. Found it? Yeah it is. Ok, or should I replace my closet with a bigger one?
Actually, my writing above is only reason to delay my time to not move on to make it neat. Hehehe.. and it's now almost nine pm, and.. It's time to tidy up!! (if you can hear my heart voice, it's hard because I have no motivatiooooonn)--> knowing that I'm sure the next day my room will be mess again.. :p
It's a 3x3cm messy room, which it becomes a dumb witness about what I do and what I think. I really know that it's very messy and I have to tidy it up! And what I do then? I turned on my laptop, take out my digital camera from its case and take a picture of my room and my closet that had been opened.
And here it is..
Can you imagine how can I put in my clothes inside a small closet? It can't be closed anyway because the clothes don't fit the shelves! Should I put away my old clothes and make it clean? Actualy I have some old clothes in a big plastic bag in a corner of my room. If you see the first picture carefully, you can see a red plastic. Found it? Yeah it is. Ok, or should I replace my closet with a bigger one?
Actually, my writing above is only reason to delay my time to not move on to make it neat. Hehehe.. and it's now almost nine pm, and.. It's time to tidy up!! (if you can hear my heart voice, it's hard because I have no motivatiooooonn)--> knowing that I'm sure the next day my room will be mess again.. :p
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